LLS Challenges Austin Leaders to Join the Fight Against Cancer

Are you a business owner, a manager, or a community leader? This message is especially for you!

Last week, CCN leaders, clients, and special guests attended an Executive Lunch event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). The luncheon was an opportunity to learn more about Austin’s upcoming Light the Night (LTN) fundraiser and to share our own passion for the fight against blood cancer.

What is LLS?

The luncheon was hosted at the elegant Stephen F Austin Royal Sonesta Hotel — just a stone’s throw from the capital on Congress Ave.

After some handshakes and networking with fellow business leaders, Tamara Fields took the stage. She’s serving as this year’s Executive Committee Chair for Light The Night, but as a cancer survivor herself, Tamera’s relationship with LLS goes much deeper.

With so many noble causes to fight for, Tamara made a compelling pitch for LLS. Its mission is simple: to bring an end to blood cancer. Since 1949 LLS has:

  • Invested more than $1.5 billion in research
  • Made cancer education and support more available
  • Provided financial assistance and scholarship to families dealing with blood cancer

LLS is a proven name in the non-profit world. The Fast Company recently dubbed LLS among their Brands that Matter for 2022. It consistently makes the nation’s top lists of responsible and effective charities. In short: LLS is one of the best avenues for philanthropic ROI.

“Talk to your peers. You’ll be surprised at how many people you know have been affected by blood cancer or any type of cancer.”

Andy Cox, Founder/CEO, Cox Consulting Network

Austin’s Honored Hero

Melissa Eckert also took the stage with her daughter Anders during the luncheon. As a childhood blood cancer survivor, Anders is Austin’s “honored hero” for 2023.

After several viral illnesses turned into shoulder pain in 2021, the doctor ordered a round of tests, and Anders was diagnosed with T-Cell (ALL) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She was immediately taken into two surgeries and had tubes inserted to remove fluid from her lungs and around her heart. They spent the next four days in ICU, and once Anders was stable, we moved back to the oncology floor, where her journey began.

“By the grace of God,” Melissa shared, “one month later, Anders was in remission.”

LLS and Childhood Cancer

Why do we see so many kids associated with Light the Night and LLS? Unfortunately, the answer goes much deeper than the obvious cuteness factor these kids bring to the cause…

  • 40% of pediatric cancers are blood cancers
  • Approximately 80% of childhood cancer survivors develop chronic health issues from treatment.
  • Only 5% of cancer drugs have been approved for first-time use in children

LLS is fighting to end blood cancer for everyone, but with so many kids on the front lines, there’s an even bigger urgency to fund research and find cures today.

Let’s Light the Night Together

With over 100 local events across the US, Light the Night is the third-largest charity walk in the US!

This year’s event will be held at the Long Center, where fireworks and lanterns will light up the beautiful Austin skyline… GOLD lanterns are carried in memory of someone lost to cancer, survivors carry WHITE and those currently fighting cancer, and RED are carried by anyone who wants to support the cause and find a cure for cancer.

Light the Night Austin
Thursday, November 2
The Long Center

Learn more and RSVP

Last year, Cox Consulting Network supported Light the Night 2022 as a “Bright Light Sponsor,” handing out flashlights at a branded tent.

How Can Companies Get Involved?

We hope that all our consultants, clients, friends, and family will support and/or join the CCN team at Light the Night, but this executive lunch was a special invitation for anyone with the means and influence to do more.

Local leaders are invited to:

  1. Become an event sponsor: Support a great cause and build your brand alongside the respected name of LLS.
  2. Build a corporate fundraising team: You can form a company team or get together friends and family from your network to join in the Light the Night walk.
  3. Join the executive challenge: It’s not always about what you know but who you know. Key Austin leaders engage personally and leverage their connections to raise thousands of dollars for a great cause. Are you up for the challenge?
  4. Develop a retail partnership: Brands like Burlington, Walgreens, and Refuel have worked with LLS to develop fundraising programs custom-tailored to their business.
Rally your team around a great cause and a fantastic event… build a corporate team for Light the Night 2023!

Game On for Austin Leaders and Change-Makers

Early on at CCN, we decided that a company is all about making an impact — not just for our own clients and consultants but for the bigger community. LLS is the primary way we do that. Hearing from cancer survivors and advocates at the luncheon was a great way to remind us why we do what we do.

It’s no secret; research shows that employees now care more about working for a socially responsible company. Sharing a cause can boost morale, engagement, and loyalty.

This isn’t about adding one more thing to your to-do list or another expense to your P&L; this is about an investment that truly gives back — to everyone involved.

So what are you waiting for? Contact LLS for event sponsorships and partnership information, contact:

Christine Martinez
Light The Night Campaign Development Manager for South Central Texas
Office 210-998-5402, Cell 703-283-2016, [email protected]

And, if you want to speak with a corporate leader who’s done it himself, there’s no better advocate than Andy Cox. Contact us to schedule a chat.

We can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together!

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