CCN Wins ABJ Fast 50 Award

Austin Business Journal announced the winners of its annual “Fast 50” awards last night at the JW Marriott in downtown Austin. An upbeat crowd listened intently as the announcers revealed the rankings of the fastest-growing businesses in central Texas.

Cox Consulting Network was to be featured in the small business (under $10 million) category alongside other fast-growers in real estate, construction, recruiting, technology, and other hot industries in Austin.

As names were called one by one, it became clear that CCN made the top 10! Shortly after, company leaders and top consultants were called to the stage to be recognized as Austin’s 9th fastest-growing small business!

How ABJ Awarded the Fast 50 Winners

The Fast 50 awards are based on each company’s last three years of growth. And these last three years have been no small feat, considering the ups and downs of a global pandemic!

CCN’s Net Revenue, 2019-2021
2019: $2.3M
2020: $3.7M
2021: $6.8M
71.9% CAGR

A Shared Success Story

CCN owes this incredible honor to the support of its clients, staff, and dedicated consultant team.

Last night’s attendees included several top consultants who have played a direct role in the continued growth of the company — Consultants Club members like Michele Randal, Sarah Weil, and Keri Bryan.

Recruiting team members Liz Harder and Delena Spencer also had much to celebrate after pulling in impressive numbers from the “direct hire” side of the business, joining Megan Kennedy, Lesa Theurer, JJ Cox, and Andy Cox on stage.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the bold vision (and execution) of CEO and Founder Andy Cox. After the award presentation, the CCN team couldn’t help but reflect upon the unique culture his leadership has provided.

“He truly cares. People can sense that, and they trust him,” said one.

“He gets people. He’s made the people part of this business work,” said another.

Through it all, Andy firmly believed that if he did the right thing, success would follow — and here we are. The proof is in the numbers. When you put people first, everybody truly wins.

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